
e首發票完成MIG 4.0的升級與改版

通知: 已完成MIG4.0 的上傳改版,2024-05-01 正式切換上線。
營業人須配合:  無 [第一階段由系統自動比對調整差異欄位]
影響: 已完成財政部要求。原公告 如下

一、電子發票資料交換標準訊息建置指引(MIG) 3.2.1版及3.1.2版將於115年1月1日停止使用,請於113年1月1日起配合使用MIG 4.0版。
      (一)於113年1月至6月新申請使用Turnkey之營業人,請優先導入MIG 4.0版。
      (二)113年7月1日起,新申請使用Turnkey營業人須使用MIG 4.0版,以避免MIG 3.2.1版及3.1.2版落日後之再次轉換成本。
      (三)115年1月1日全面使用MIG 4.0版。

e首發票於113-3月開始測試更版,已於4月底完成測試,5/1正式全面採用新版MIG 4.0 F0401、F0501、G0401、G0501進行開立、作廢、折讓、折讓作廢的存證作業。


參加財政部推行推薦優良加值中心活動-可獲得 100 元 點服務



緣由 : 民國112年度起,財政部推行推薦優良加值中心活動,幫所有加值中心評鑑服務優劣,請各位營業人幫我們加油推薦。。 


推薦活動時間 : 每年04/16~04/30 


活動對象 : 民國113年前具有授權矽聯科技(股)公司[ e首發票 ]加值中心取號與需要自動上傳空白號之營業人。 


說明 : 具有授權矽聯科技(股)公司加值中心之營業人,e首發票系統將會協助自

動上傳空白未使用發票號碼為了讓e首發票可以持續為各位營業人提供電子發票加值服務,煩請營業人協助於 04/16~04/30 期間登入財政部電子發票整合服務平台完成加值中心推薦 



操作步驟 : 

  1. 登入財政部電子發票整合服務平台網址:https://www.einvoice.nat.gov.tw/ 

  1. 選單路徑: 營業人功能選單 >加值中心評比 

  1. [勾選] 113年度加值中心名稱 : 矽聯科技股份有限公司 

  1. 按下[確認推薦] 



  1. 截圖完成已推薦畫面 

  1. 上傳e首發票後台 營業人點評滿意度調查 

  2. 完成推薦均可免費獲得 100 元 點服務點數,點數未使用可於續約時折抵


矽聯科技股份有限公司 - E首發票加值服務中心資訊安全政策

矽聯科技股份有限公司 - E首發票加值服務中心資訊安全政策
Silicon Union Technology Co., Ltd. - E-Invoice Value-Added Service Center Information Security Policy

I. Information Security Measures

1. 網絡監控與入侵偵測:
- 使用進階網路入侵偵測系統,持續監控網路流量,有效偵測及防止未經授權的存取、修改或破壞行為。
- Network Monitoring and Intrusion Detection:
- Advanced network intrusion detection systems are employed to continuously monitor network traffic and effectively detect and prevent unauthorized access, modification, or destruction.

2. 防火牆與防病毒技術:
- 裝設高效能防火牆,以防止非法入侵、破壞或資料竊取。
- 定期更新並運行先進的防病毒軟體,保障網站及使用者資料安全。
- Firewall and Antivirus Technologies:
- High-performance firewalls are installed to prevent illegal intrusion, destruction, or data theft.
- Advanced antivirus software is regularly updated and run to ensure the security of the website and user data.

3. 多因素身份驗證 (MFA):

- 對於敏感操作(例如登入、資料修改等)實施多因素身份驗證,以增強賬戶安全。
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
- Multi-factor authentication is implemented for sensitive operations (such as login, data modification, etc.) to enhance account security.

4. 資料加密:
- 對所有用戶數據進行強力加密,無論是在傳輸還是存儲過程中,以確保資料安全。
- Data Encryption:
- All user data is strongly encrypted, whether in transit or storage, to ensure data security.

5. 安全事件應對與恢復:
- 定期進行模擬駭客攻擊演練,以測試並優化系統回復程序。
- 實施定期數據備份至備援主機,確保數據的可靠恢復。
- Security Incident Response and Recovery:
- Regular simulated hacker attack drills are conducted to test and optimize system recovery procedures.
- Regular data backup to a backup server is implemented to ensure reliable data recovery.

6. 系統更新與維護:
- 自動接收並響應作業系統和應用軟件的安全更新通知,定期安裝修補程序(Patch)。
- System Updates and Maintenance:
- Automatically receive and respond to security update notifications from operating systems and application software, and regularly install patches.

7. 內外部安全審計:
- 定期進行內部和外部安全審計,


Privacy Policy Statement of 
E-Invoice Value-Added Service Center

I. Scope of Privacy Policy
This policy applies to the personal identification information we collect when you use the "E-Invoice Value-Added Service Center" website services. It does not apply to other websites linked through our website, nor to personnel not commissioned or managed by our website.

II. Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data
Browsing Records: During general browsing, the server will record your browsing behavior, such as IP address, usage time, etc., solely for the purpose of service improvement.

Transaction Data: When using specific services (such as placing orders, inquiries, etc.), we collect relevant personal information, such as name, contact information, etc., solely for the purpose of completing transactions.

E-Invoice Invoice Member Carrier Data: We collect invoice-related information, such as business entity identification number, name, etc., for invoice processing and notification.

Member Data: If you choose to become a member, we will collect relevant information to provide member services.

Our website will never sell, exchange, or rent any of your personal information to other groups, individuals, or private companies.

Exceptions are made in the following circumstances:
1. 營業人上傳的發票資料(內含部份個資)將依財政部規範上傳至電子發票整合服務平台。
1. Invoice data (including some personal data) uploaded by businesses will be uploaded to the Electronic Invoice Integration Service Platform according to the Ministry of Finance regulations.
2. 個人載具歸戶資料將依規定傳輸到電子發票整合服務平台。
2. Personal carrier account data will be transmitted to the Electronic Invoice Integration Service Platform as required.
3. 配合司法單位合法的調查。
3. Cooperating with legal investigations by judicial units.
4. 配合相關職權機關依職務需要之調查或使用。
4. Cooperating with investigations or use as required by relevant authorities based on their duties.
5. 基於善意

5. Disclosure based on good faith belief as required by law, or for the purpose of maintaining and improving website services.

III. Data Storage and Disposal
Your personal data will be securely encrypted and stored in our cloud database, regularly checked in compliance with ISO27001 standards. Data unused for over 5 years will be deleted.

IV. Data Protection
We use firewalls, antivirus systems, and other security measures to protect your data. Only authorized personnel can access your personal information, and they are bound by law and confidentiality agreements.

V. Website Links
The links to other websites provided by our website have different privacy policies, and we recommend you review them separately.

VI. Use of Cookies
Our website uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. You may choose to refuse cookies, but this may affect some website functions.

VII. Legal Compliance and Contact Information
This policy complies with Taiwan's Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant laws. If you have any privacy concerns, please contact us through [Contact Information].

This privacy policy was last updated in November 2023.


蝦皮API 賣場串接移轉統編作業說明


e首發票支援串接蝦皮API 自動開立電子發票,並透過會員訂單查詢與載具開立雲端發票。
讓營業人省時又省力。e首發票同時支援開立 免稅與混稅發票。解決營業人無法開立混稅發票的困擾。


  • 新公司須先購買蝦皮API開通服務。
  • 當年度未到期賣場使用費可移轉新統編,填寫移轉單。賣場移轉授權收費$500。
  • 填寫移轉單,客服申請設定移轉日期。
  • 移轉日期前 8HR 進行切換。[8HR 為訂單讀入後排定開立發票時間]
  • 系統控制 舊賣場進來的單開立移轉日前的日期。
  • 系統控制 新的訂單寫入新統編,並開立移轉日期的統編。
  • 移轉完成
  • 新公司次年須購買該賣場的年度使用費。
如果你有蝦皮訂單開立發票的問題,e首發票 蝦皮API訂單開立是你最好的夥伴選擇。